Friday, 29 April 2011

Proud to be British...Heres to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

I can only describe todays events with one word....FAIRYTALE. I cried, I laughed and took it all in and felt very proud to be British!
I cannot get over how beautiful Kate is and how stunning and composed she looked as she walked down the aisle!


Heres my favourite piccies from the day!! (i just couldnt wait till tomorrow to share my excitement with you!)

Cant Forget the Beckhams as they both looked amazing...
(images courtesy of


Thursday, 28 April 2011

Happily Ever After....

Have a wonderful Bank already getting in the mood!
My Very pale and wierd hand!

Image courtesy of Jelly and Blamonge!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Friday, 22 April 2011

Here comes the summer sun.....

Hi Guys!

Happy easter weekend!!
Hope your all busy busy with exciting things to do over the next few days, i certainly am...Im off to cambridge tomorrow to complete my bridesmaid outfit with the lovely sister in law to be and i cannot wait! However today has just been dreamy. Started off by finding an amazing shirt in a Charity shop (photo below with horrific high waisted shorts which are too big for me but have been disguised with a belt!) followed by an afternoon listening to elbows new album whilst my dad decorated the living room! and thennnnn going for a lovely dinner with one of my favourite ladies! thennnnnnnnnnnnn going for a drink at a rather nice pub/bar/restaurant called the Littleton Arms! lots of hotties....yum.

(dont tell my weight watchers leader about the dessert.....but at least it had fruit in it....)


Have a good'un

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Frou Love.

Hey Guys!

Just a mega quick
post today, i needed to share these pictures with you i found on a lingerie

I fell in love with them straight away! love to own the lingerie and look like the
model. thanks. x

all pictures are from the blog listed above.
(details of where they were sourced can be found on there)

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Pop Up Fun...

Heres just a quick post before I go out and enjoy the sunday sunshine!

On thursday a friend of mine Raspberry Leotard and myself held a  pop up shop party that we had organised. Its a new venture we are trying out, a pop up party people can book to host in their own living room. It went really well despite it was just a trial run and not many people came, but its got us ready for our next one! Here a few images of the evening...

Monday, 11 April 2011

Dinky Floral Prints....Yes Please.

Hi Guys! We have had abit of a change in the weather and today birmingham cant make up its mind wether it wants to rain or beam down with sunshine!
 I had a treat yesterday off m&d, and of course i insisted it was a cheap and cheerful handful of treats rather than one thing. After losing so much weight iv needed to get some basics, so i popped into Primark. Managed to get these beauties...with two other cheapy floral prints. Well Done Primark....theres so many nice things in at the moment, it was hard to decide!

Playsuit - £9.00 (still cant get over how cheap it was)

Teamed with that beauty of a vintage blazer i posted the other day!

White tie t shirt £5.00 (i think may of been £6)
Floral Print Hareem Trousers £12.00! so comfy aswell.

And finally TOPSHOP eat your heart out.....basic Primark Vests £4 each!!

Hope this gives you some inspiration to shopping :)

Friday, 8 April 2011

The only way this day could get better is if I was with my bests drinking Pimms in a park....

Woww...I cannot get over the sun...this is going to be a very quick post because Im going to go and catch the rays with my doggies asap!

I wondered around my local town today to get out of the house, and give me an excuse to wear my sunglasses... and i had a mooch in the charity shops...and my gosh im glad I did. Here is what i picked up....and it all came to under £10!!!!


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Raspberry Leotard...

So, on Monday I had such a fun day! I did some modelling for a friend, who runs a pop up vintage shop called "Raspberry Leotard" (amazing name) She sells stock at various events and clothing Parties! She has classic vintage pieces and even better a mix of all sizes! Here a few images to tickle your fancy!

You can add her on facebook....just type in Raspberry Leotard!!! or email her on :)

Ill be teaming up with her to hold Pop- up parties that you can hold in your own living room! details of that to follow!
All photos used are from Raspberry Leotard Facebook page.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

All i need to make me smile is a tin and a french antique throw...

Over the weekend I attended a Vintage Fair in Wombourne, West Midlands. When my mom first told me about it I didnt expect it to be as amazing as it actually was when we arrived! Held in the Community Centre I expected lots of craft stalls and the occasional jewellery stand....I was wrong. I am very annoyed I didnt take any photos of it to show you but it was amazing. The lady who organised it was absolutly lovely and has been added to my phone book!

French Fancies....
Murial.....A lovely lady from Sedgley, West Midlands was hosting her first stall at the Wombourne Vintage Fair. She sources all of her items from all over france....I was instantly in love with everything she was selling and she was such a wonderful woman...another added to my phone book. Sooooo gutted she dosnt have a website but I purchased an antique throw from from her which looks delightful on my bed!

Alls Photos Used in this Post are my own :)

Saturday, 2 April 2011

An Inspirational Saturday...

Excuse the Newbie!
I understand alot of people wont read this first post, but ill share my thoughts with the ones that do! One of my best friends advised me there was alot to think about when blogging....she should know she is the goddess of blogging!
This Blog is going to include the things that interest me the things....and of course...everything VINTAGE!!
So here a picture for a saturday evening to inspire all of you fellow vintage lovers!
